Vedic Astrology

Jyotish, more commonly known as Vedic astrology, is the science of light.
It is considered the “eye of the Vedas”

It is an ancient science of self-discovery which teaches us how life works, how we fit into the bigger picture, our purpose for being here, and the goal of our lives.

Through Vedic astrology, it can make sense of your past, step into seasonably appropriate behaviour based on what challenges are being delivered, and prepare ourselves to have a more graceful future as our life continues to unfold.

Tired of navigating life’s changing situations alone?
Struggling with important decisions?
Seeking your true purpose?

Your Vedic birth chart is a map detailing your special gifts and abilities, as well as your life’s challenges. Learn strategies to harness your unique strengths and transform stubborn obstacles.

In your personal reading we’ll discuss unique aspects of your birth chart.
You will learn about all the signs, how they are placed on your chart, Position of the planets and stars at the time of your birth. This knowledge with the help you know more about yourself and how to navigate with a better insight into your life.

In addition to interpreting your birth chart, I also provide specific planetary remedies. These might include self-care activities, colour and gemstone therapy, or mindful rituals recommendations to create positive outcomes in your life.